

Birch sawdust bubbles from Småland open Sweden's stand at Grüne Woche

For the second year in a row, Ängabacken's Björksoda from Sonarp has been selected as one of 19 companies to represent Sweden at the Green Week World Fair in Berlin. The fair opens on Friday 17 January. This year, the Minister for Rural Affairs, Peter Kullgren, will be present when the Swedish stand is inaugurated with, among other things, Björksoda, the dry non-alcoholic bubbly made from birch sap.

The Green Week is one of the world's largest food fairs and the International Food and Agriculture Fair in Berlin attracts 300 000 visitors each year. The Global Forum for Food and Agriculture (GFFA, 15-18 January) is held in parallel with the fair, bringing together politicians from around 70 countries to discuss the future of sustainable agriculture and food security.

Sweden's stand at Green Week is being coordinated for the sixth time by the Swedish Board of Agriculture, and Ängabacken's Björksoda is among the companies that will offer both tradition and innovation.

- Green Week 2024 was a great adventure and experience for us and now we are looking forward to taking the next step. The non-alcoholic market is currently undergoing explosive development. Our experience is that many Germans are very quality conscious and appreciate Björksoda as we have a unique and pure natural product that is naturally fermented, says Martina Peterson, producer.

- "Germany is not only an export opportunity for us, just as important for our business are all the German visitors who come here to Björksoda in Sonarp," she continues.

Quality non-alcoholic is very much in vogue, but most options are sweet. Birch soda fills this void with its dry, crisp character and natural tiny bubbles - a perfect mealtime drink that provides a grown-up flavour experience and enhances what's on the plate.

This year, visitors to the fair will be offered Ängabacken's Björksoda together with a small "moose tapas", to promote Björksoda as a meal drink for smoked meat, among other things.


Ängabackens Björksoda from Sonarp south of Jönköping is a non-alcoholic, naturally sparkling drink made from pure birch sap. The birch soda is produced on a small scale and by hand by bottle fermentation in earth cellars. The company is also investing in food tourism since spring 2023, and welcomes German tourists as well as local companies and organisations.

Björksoda is a luxurious non-alcoholic alternative to wine and should be enjoyed cool as a meal drink. Björksoda is produced by three women at the company Lanthandeln Sonarp AB, who both harvest and process the birch sap at home on the farm in the village of Sonarp.

With its freshness and genuine flavour, Björksoda is very food-friendly and goes well with many different kinds of snacks and dishes, preferably with things that are a little fatty such as cheese and charcuterie, spicy food or seafood. Birch soda is served chilled but not refrigerator cold, about 6-10 C°. Birch soda is unpasteurised and has a natural sediment at the bottom. Dry and crisp, with only 0.23 g sugar per 100 ml.


Address: Lanthandeln Sonarp AB,
Sonarp 5, 567 91 Vaggeryd.

Contact person:
Martina Peterson
Phone: +46(0)704-323957
Instagram: angabackens_bjorksoda Facebook:

Swedish Board of Agriculture press release 241129

Press photos

Producer Martina Peterson talks about Björksoda to Christina Nordin, Director General of the Swedish Board of Agriculture, and Veronika Wand-Danielsson, Sweden's Ambassador to Germany.

Photographer: Bernhard Ludewig/Agricultural Board

Björksoda is one of 19 companies participating in the Swedish stand at Grune Woche.

Photographer: Bernhard Ludewig/Agricultural Board


Sweden's stand at Green Week opens with birch sap bubbles from Småland.

On Friday 19 January, the international food and agriculture fair Grüne Woche opens in Berlin, attracting 300 000 visitors every year. When Sweden's stand opens this year, non-alcoholic bubbly made from birch sap from Småland will be served in the glass.

Grüne Woche is the world's largest food fair, attracting hundreds of thousands of visitors each year. Sweden's participation is coordinated by the Swedish Board of Agriculture, and the Swedish stand will be opened on Friday by the Board's Director General Christina Nordin and Sweden's Ambassador to Germany Veronika Wand-Danielsson.

One of the selected companies that has noticed the interest in Sweden as a destination among German consumers comes from Småland. Ängabackens Björksoda from Sonarp south of Jönköping is a non-alcoholic, naturally sparkling drink made from pure birch sap. The company has also been investing in food tourism since spring 2023, and in the past year has welcomed German tourists as well as local companies and organisations.

- Grüne Woche is an incredible opportunity for Björksoda. It is thanks to the many German visitors to us that we have invested in food tourism, which has now led us to Berlin. Says Martina Peterson, responsible producer of Ängabacken's Björksoda.


Ängabackens Björksoda is a small-scale and artisanal non-alcoholic drink made from pure birch sap. Björksodan is a luxurious non-alcoholic alternative to wine and should be enjoyed cool as a meal drink. Björksoda is produced by three women at the company Lanthandeln Sonarp AB, who both harvest and process the birch sap at home on the farm in the village of Sonarp.

The birch trees on the farm in Sonarp are tapped during a short but intense period between winter and spring, two to three weeks. The sap is then fermented in two rounds. The first fermentation takes place in a tank. Then the juice is bottled and continues to ferment a second time in the bottle. Fermentation in the bottle makes the juice naturally sparkling. 

The bottles are aged in earth cellars for at least a year before the vintage is released for sale. The result is a non-alcoholic, dry, softly sparkling drink. With its freshness and genuine flavour, Björksoda is very food-friendly and goes well with many different kinds of snacks and dishes, preferably those that are slightly fatty such as cheese and charcuterie, spicy food or seafood. Björk soda is served chilled but not refrigerator cold, about 6-10 C°. Birch soda is unpasteurised and has a natural sediment at the bottom. Discover nature's own bubble - Ängabackens Björksoda. Dry and luxurious, with only 0.23 g of sugar per 100 ml.


Address: Lanthandeln Sonarp AB,
Sonarp 5
567 91 Vaggeryd

Contact person:
Martina Peterson
Phone: +46(0)704-323957
Social media:
Instagram: angabackens_bjorksoda Facebook:



Birch soda on its way to Berlin

When the Swedish stand at one of the world's largest consumer fairs is now being prepared, one of the participating companies is from Jönköping County. Ängabackens Björksoda from Sonarp outside Hok will join the Swedish Board of Agriculture in coordinating Sweden's participation in the international food and agricultural fair Grüne Woche in Berlin, 19-28 January 2024.

- This is an incredible opportunity for Björksoda that we look forward to with great excitement. We have had many German visitors in Sonarp, and it is thanks to them that we have invested in food tourism, which has now led us to participate in the Green Week. Says Martina Peterson, responsible producer of Ängabackens Björksoda.

Ängabackens Björksoda is a small-scale and handcrafted non-alcoholic drink made from pure birch sap. Naturally sparkling, dry and crisp. Birch soda is a luxurious non-alcoholic alternative to wine and should be enjoyed cool as a mealtime drink. Björksoda is produced by three women at the company Lanthandeln Sonarp AB, who both harvest and process the birch sap at home on the farm in the village of Sonarp.

The birch trees on the farm in Sonarp are tapped during a short but intense period between winter and spring, two to three weeks. The sap is then fermented in two rounds. The first fermentation takes place in a tank. Then the juice is bottled and continues to ferment a second time in the bottle. Fermentation in the bottle makes the juice naturally sparkling.

The bottles are aged in earth cellars for at least a year before the vintage is released for sale. The result is a non-alcoholic, dry, softly sparkling drink. With its freshness and genuine flavour, Björksoda is very food-friendly and goes well with many different kinds of snacks and dishes, preferably those that are slightly fatty such as cheese and charcuterie, spicy food or seafood. Björk soda is served chilled but not refrigerator cold, about 6-10 C°. Birch soda is unpasteurised and has a natural sediment at the bottom. Discover nature's own bubble - Ängabackens Björksoda. Dry and luxurious, with only 0.23 g of sugar per 100 ml.

Address: Lanthandeln Sonarp AB,
Sonarp 5
567 91 Vaggeryd

Contact person:
Martina Peterson
Phone: +46(0)704-323957
Social media:
Instagram: angabackens_bjorksoda

Contact us

Martina Peterson

070-432 39 57

Founder and executive producer.

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Jönköpingsposten 23 March 2023
Icon Magazine autumn 2022, Turn to pages 62-63!
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